What Is Gundam Ver. Ka (And Who Is Hajime Katoki)

The Gundam Ver. Ka is a subline of Master Grade Gundam kits designed by Hajime Katoki, an experienced and influential mecha designer. He has personally contributed to the creation of every kit in the subline, from start to finish.
The collection includes a variety of kits, ranging from modified to those designed and supervised independently by Katoki, as well as adaptations from the Cosmic and HGUC timelines. Some kits were also chosen through popular vote.
Features, Pros, And Cons of Gundam Ver. Ka
The main features of the Gundam Ver. Ka are as follows:
- Build
All Ver. Ka kits have inner frames.
Its frame is similar to that of MG; a high-quality plastic inner frame with polycap joints and an advanced system that allows for the transformations and gimmicks that MG and especially Katoki’s works are known for.
However, unlike some regular MGs that use partial frames, all Ver. Ka kits use full inner frames.
They are tough models, even tougher than standard MGs, which are far from weak but still flexible. Articulation may be unreliable, but Ver. Ka kits are still adaptable enough to allow movements in unusual places on a model.
Colour scheme and separation are also excellent, with kits in theGundam Ver. Ka subline using different shades of colours interfaced well to give kits the best possible look.
- Detail
One of Katoki’s most notable characteristics is the exquisite detailing that goes into his works. Ver. Ka is no different. Kits in this range are highly detailed, with a lot of sharp-edged finishing that ensures kits have realistic anime-like looks.
Another area where this subline excels is decals. Every Ver. Ka kit comes with a ridiculous amount of decals to enhance the detailing. However, instead of the traditional dry decals used in the first set of Ver. Ka, modern models use water slide decals, and to better effect.
Some special kits, such as the MG Nu Gundam Ver. Ka, are even better, with personalised premium decals that give them a more detailed, intense look than other Ver. Ka kits.
- Articulation
The Ver. Ka line’s Achilles’ heel is articulation.
Most models in this line feature some of the most complex gimmicks and transformations found in a non-PG Gunpla kit, but this is also the reason why the line falls short of perfection because it has a significant impact on compactness.
It is not uncommon for a Ver. Ka kit to lose an arm or crumble at the waist while changing poses, and it is much worse in some models than others, the Master Grade V2 Gundam Ver. Ka probably has the worst articulation of any kit.
There are however also some exceptions, such as the Sazabi, Sinanju, and Nu Gundam, which have excellent articulation and are, unsurprisingly, some of the best models in the Gundam line.
However, it has gotten significantly better over the years, with more recent releases containing advanced Gunpla engineering that not only improves the stability and strength of Gundam kits, but also makes them better overall.
- Gimmicks
Katoki is a firm believer in life-like kits, which translates to the gimmicks and poseability of his designs.
Ver. Ka supports advanced gimmicks better than most of its peers. Despite being an MG subline, the gimmicks found in Ver. Ka kits are more akin to those on a PG.
Complex features such as sliding panels, completely transformable sections, hydraulics, position changes, and opening hatches are common in Ver. Ka, with some special kits even compatible with LED lights that add to their aesthetics, such as the Gundam MGEX RX-0 Unicorn Ver. Ka.
- Accessories
Ver. Ka kits come with a lot of extras and parts for their size. An average Ver. Ka has significantly more parts than an average MG, and in some cases, an RG.
But the good news is that a decent portion of these is used as spare parts.
Ver. Ka is well-armed and armoured. Most Ver. Ka kits include accessories like shields, beam sabres, rifles, rocket launchers, and missile pods.
- Price
Ver. Ka kits cost slightly more than their MG counterparts, ranging from $70 to $100 for regular models, but may cost more. Special editions can cost up to $180.
Gundam Ver.Ka Pros
- Excellent Colour Separation
- The kits are well-detailed and attractive.
- It usually has enough spare parts.
- It supports advanced gimmicks and poseability.
Gundam Ver.Ka Cons
- Articulation can be improved.
- Most people are turned off by the disproportionate model shape.
- Kits have a large number of parts.
- It is not suitable for a beginner and can be quite costly.
What does Ver. Ka mean for Gundam?
The term “Ver. Ka” is a portmanteau of “Version Katoki.” It is applied to kits designed entirely or partially by Hajime Katoki, as well as those customised by him.
They are well-crafted kits that are widely regarded as some of the best Gunpla kits on the market.
Ver. Ka is to MG what RG is to HG; they are on the same scale and size, but Ver. Ka has superior qualities.
Some mobile suits are built directly as Ver. Ka kits without an original MG version, while others are originally MG with a Ver. Ka adaptation is based on Katoki’s standards.
Keep in mind that not all models designed by Katoki are Ver. Ka, as he worked on other projects. The EW line, which was designed by Katoki but does not belong to the Ver. Ka subline, is a good example of this.
Ver. Ka kits have a lot of impressive features, but they’re best known for their disproportionate sizes and appearance. By simply looking at the lower body, you’ll be able to identify a Ver. Ka.
Its kits are built with small torsos, large thighs, long legs, and big feet, giving it a funny but distinct appearance.
The first Ver. Ka was released in 2002, with subsequent versions released intermittently alongside regular MGs. Ver. Ka models are more complex than their MG counterparts from the same timeline.
Who Is Hajime Katoki?
Hajime Katoki is a Japanese mecha expert whose work goes beyond basic mecha design.
Katoki first gained recognition for his excellent customization in 2002, when he began customising kits.
The redesigns he performed on various model kits and artworks produced such impressive results that were so good and significantly more detailed than the original kits that Bandai decided to adapt them and create new models based on them.
Katoki has worked on a variety of Gundam models, but he is best known for his work on the Gundam Sentinel and the 0083 OVA series, where he co-created and designed the majority of the kits. He also worked on the V Gundam series, after which he moved on to the G Gundam and Gundam Wing lines.
Hajime Katoki’s best works include the RX-78GP03 Gundam Dendrobium, Victory Gundam, and Gundam Wing Endless Waltz.
Most MGs have had him involved in some way in the design process, but there have been a few where he has personally overseen every step.
Katoki is so influential in the Gunpla world that many MG and HGUC models adopt some of his techniques and aesthetic approach, even though they are not officially part of the Ver. Ka line.
Is There Ver. Ka In The Gundam Universe?
There is no Ver. Ka in The Gundam Universe.
The Gundam Universe is a line of six MG kits released by Tamashi Nations in 2019.
These kits are not in scale, but they are still classified as MG. They are approximately 6 inches tall and extremely durable. They have incredible detail and good articulation, which allows for an unprecedented range of poseability.
What Grade And Scale Are Gundam Ver. Ka?
Ver. Ka belongs to the Master Grade and thus shares its scale and size. They are 1/100 scale and usually stand between 18 and 20cm tall (7-8 inches).
This may vary depending on the size of the kit. The MG Unicorn Full Armor and MG Sazabi Ver. Ka are both large Ver. Ka kits, but they are not excluded from the subline.
Furthermore, as previously stated, Ver. Ka kits are generally uneven in size because Katoki believes in drawing inspiration from real life and believes that all mechas, regardless of scale, should not look the same.
As a result, the sizes of various Ver. Ka kits vary even more.