Can Brushless run With A NiMH Battery? [solved]

Most RC manufacturers recommend you run your brushless motor with a LiPo battery, but how about NiMH battery? can you use it to run a brushless motor?
This is a rather common conundrum, not knowing if your new battery will fry your motor or not.
However, you’re in luck, because we’re going to answer some of your most burning questions about the compatibility of certain batteries with your brushless motor.
Can A Brushless Motor Run On An NiMH Battery?
You may be wondering if your brushless motor can even be effectively powered by an NiMH battery.
This is a pretty reasonable question to ask, as using the incorrect power supply could possibly fry your RC model’s expensive technological components.
The good news is, yes, you can run your brushless motor on a NiMH battery, as long as the battery supplies the correct voltage.
It should also be noted that if your motor pulls too much current, you could risk breaking your motor, as this would cause your brushless motor to heat up much faster and run much hotter than usual.
Always make sure that your battery, regardless of whether or not it’s a NiMH battery, supplies the proper voltage.
Brushless motor voltage requirements can range from 4 – 24 volts, and the required current can range from 5 – 15 mAmps.

Can Any Brushless Motor Run With NiMH Batteries?
If you have what may be an older brushless motor, and the only other battery you have is a NiMH battery, you could be thinking about the possibility of the two not being compatible with each other.
However, this is not the case. Your older brushless motor will work just fine with a NiMH battery, as long as the voltage on the NiMH battery is the required amount for your brushless motor.
Can Any NiMH Battery Run With A Brushless Motor?
This question is similar to the previous one that we answered, but it’s still a fair one.
When working with any battery, regardless of whether it’s a NiMH battery or not, some people neglect to look at the specifics of the battery itself.
So, will any NiMH battery work with a brushless motor? Only if the voltage is of the required amount of the brushless motor will they work together.
When purchasing a battery, always make sure that the brushless motor in your RC model matches the advertised voltage output of the battery. Mismatching the required output for a battery and motor could result in you not getting enough power to run the motor, or it could result in you frying your motor.
Do Brushless Motors That Run On NiMH Have The Same Runtime As LiPo?
When trying to choose which battery is best for your brushless RC motor, LiPo and NiMH often come to mind.
When comparing the two, people sometimes don’t know which battery to go with, as both batteries have their own unique purposes and many rally behind each one in their favor.
However, NiMH batteries don’t possess the capabilities to challenge the runtime of LiPo batteries.
LiPo batteries are heralded as some of the most powerful RC batteries, and for a brushless system, they are widely regarded as the best. NiMH batteries will still work, but will fall far shorter than LiPo batteries in terms of performance and runtime.
Will NiMH Exceed The Potential Of A Brushless Motor?
If you’re considering getting an NiMH battery instead of a LiPo battery, the chances are the you’ve been looking into which one holds the greater potential for runtime and performance when used with your brushless RC motor.
NiMH batteries may be adequate enough to power your brushless motor, but LiPo batteries will absolutely unlock your RC model’s full potential.
LiPo batteries are so much more superior to NiMH in terms of runtime and performance that they’re an industry standard.
Can Running NiMH Batteries Damage Your brushless Motor?
If you have no other option but to run NiMH batteries, you may be wondering if they could possibly inflict any damage to your motor.
Any hobbyist should be cautious when using equipment that they’re not familiar with or used to, so this question is totally fair to ask.
However, NiMH batteries should not damage your motor.
The only thing you have to keep an eye out for are the specifications of your NiMH battery, as getting a battery with the incorrect voltage could result in your motor not running as well or possibly being damaged.
One again, the NiMH battery should be safe, just as long as you have met the correct voltage requirements for your motor.
Should You Make Any Adjustments When Running Brushless On NiMH?
Sometimes, you may need to make adjustments to your RC model’s components to accommodate new equipment.
However, this is not needed for using a NiMH battery with a brushless RC motor.
Unless you’ve accidentally bought a NiMH battery of an incorrect voltage, adjustments should not have to be made.
Do Brushless Motors Require LiPo Batteries?
If all you have on-hand is a LiPo battery to use with your brushless RC model, you may be wondering if a LiPo battery will work or even be any good for your brushless RC model.
The answer here is a definite yes! And here’s why.
Your brushless motor will work just fine with a LiPo battery of an appropriate voltage, and in fact, LiPo batteries are the most common batteries for RC models.
Given their ubiquity, it’s understandable that LiPo batteries will work with most brushless RC motors, and LiPo batteries are also considered to be the best option for your RC model due to their fast recharge rate and the amount of voltage they provide.
Now that we’ve looked at some of the most common questions regarding NiMH batteries, LiPo batteries and their usefulness or hindrance on a brushless RC motor, what have we learned?
NiMH batteries can run on a brushless RC system, as long as the specifications for both the brushless motor and battery are met.
LiPo batteries are the best option for your brushless RC motor, as LiPo batteries allow for your RC model to run faster and more efficiently.
Overall, NiMH batteries will work decently with a brushless RC motor, but ultimately, the best choice is the LiPo battery.
As we bring things to a close, we wish you happy bashing and a wonderful time at the track!